Master Herbalist Patrick Delves recently joined ItzYourzRadio to discuss the holistic alternative to the traditional pharmacutical medication and eating naturally.
Mr Delves has been a Herbalist for over 35 years. He studied at the Pacific Institute Of Oriental Medicine and the East West School Of Herbology. He earned a Bachelor of Science.
Personally, Delves suffered from Epilepsy. After a massive stroke, he was introduced to a Chinese Herbalist who opened his eyes to herbal plants and their healing properties.
With the use of Chinese medicinal herbs, he was able to repair his body from illnesses. Delves began studying Herbology and Nutrition, Anatomy and Physiology, Illnesses and their origin and today, 35 years later, He continues to share his gift with the world.
He has traveled to many countries and touched many lives. Delves is an Herbalist, a husband and a father and a caring and compassionate friend who has dedicated his life to educating everyone about Herbal plants and nutrition and assisting persons in repairing their bodies of various illnesses.
Patrick Delves with ItzYourzRadio on Live 97.5 FM
Visit Patrick Delves' website to see what herbal program he has available that fits you or your loved one's need. Visit Here